10 Things Only People Who Bottle Up Their Emotions Understand

When it comes to emotional expression, there are two types of people out there. There are those who live their lives like open books, wearing their heart on their sleeve....

5 Laws Of Karma And The Affect They Have On Your Life

Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. Like Newton’s law,  ‘every action must have a reaction, when we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This...

5 Things You Should Know If You’re Friends With A Virgo

Virgos can be some of the most wonderful companions and comrades in life. They are sociable, witty and trustworthy buds that will make you feel lucky to have them...

The Most Truthful Horoscope You’ll Read (For Skeptics Of Astrology)

Aries, March 21 – April 19 You’re a natural born adventurer. You never shy away from taking a risk or leap of faith, but this doesn’t always serve you as...

5 Surprising Strengths Of People Who Have Been Emotionally Neglected

When you hear the words “emotionally neglected”, you probably don’t picture a person who is particularly strong. You might think of someone who is a victim, someone who is vulnerable...

Do You Know The Significance Of Seeing 11:11 On A Clock?

A friend of mine called me not too long ago with a strange question. “I don’t really believe in this kinda stuff,” he said. “But I’ve been seeing the same...