Take A Walk In The Woods In This Relational Psychology Quiz

Read the following scenario and questions, try and visualize yourself in the scenes and write down, or remember, the first thing that comes into your mind as you read...

5 Amazing Benefits Of Sleeping Naked

Sleeping in the nude doesn’t always have to be about sex. New research has revealed some surprising effects to our health when we sleep in the nude. It’s actually a...

Your Perception of Color Brightness Can Help Explain Your Emotional Age

Of course, we all have a chronological age.  It’s the number of years that have passed since we were born. But, we also have an emotional age.  Your emotional age...

5 Facts That Sound Like Bullshit But Are Actually True

Have you ever been listening to someone tell a story and you know for sure they're making the entire thing up? That's how you might feel when you read...

How To Relieve Overlooked Stress From Your ‘Muscle of the Soul’ (Psoas Muscle)

Not many people have heard of the Psoas Muscle, but it’s actually one of the most important muscles in your body. The Psoas Muscle exists on the side of your...

7 Amazing Psychological Facts

Psychology is a powerful thing. It’s responsible for so much of what we do in life whether we’re conscious of it or not. Here are 7 psychological facts that...