Romance can be portrayed in multitudes of ways. Here is how each zodiac sign shows there way of love.

Flirting Style of The Ram: Direct, fiery, and sexy!
The Ram is willing to compete for a person’s attention and never runs from a challenge. Even though they love the chase in romantic relationships, an Aries will not chase a person for long.
They will attempt to quickly sweep someone off their feet. Rams exude confidence and sexiness when flirting. These people will reject a prospect if the person seems to be overly passive.
Signs that might be turned off by Aries:
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.
Signs that might be turned on by Aries in the short-term:
Aries, Libra, Capricorn.
Signs that might be turned on by Aries in the long-term:
Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Flirting Style of the Bull: Sensual and Attentive
As a Taurus, your flirty style is predominantly physical, magnetic, and sweet. Taurus people have a steadfast and down to earth approach with everything.
In regards to flirting, they will come across as passive, until a competitor steps into their “domain.” The Ram’s flirting style will consist of subtle physical contact such as gently touching a someone’s arms or hands.
Taurus people have a knack for reeling people in with their magnetism, which is a quality of the Bull’s majestic aura. Taurus people are very patient and charismatic.
Signs that might be turned off by Taurus:
Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.
Signs that might be turned on by Taurus in the short-term:
Scorpio, Aries, Virgo.
Signs that might be turned on by Taurus in the long-term:
Capricorn, Libra, Cancer.

Flirting Style of the Twins: Communicative and Obvious
As a Gemini, your flirting style is predominantly intellectual, witty, and surprising. A Gemini will always start flirting in a communicative manner, which may include speech or body language.
They usually avoid starting deep conversations in social settings, but they can keep anyone’s mind occupied with their keen intellect.
A Geminis use their words to test a someone’s ability to stimulate their mind. Although, Gemini’s thrive on physical stimulation, they also need to be mentally stimulated.
Signs that might be turned off by Gemini:
Pisces, Taurus, Cancer.
Signs that might be turned on by Gemini in the short-term:
Leo, Virgo, Scorpio.
Signs that might be turned on by Gemini in the long-term:
Aquarius, Libra, Aries.

Flirting Style of the Crab: Emotional and Seductive
As a Cancer, your flirting style is predominantly traditional, charismatic, and entertaining. A Cancer’s flirting style is very flattering and direct.
Many of these folks come across as being shy. However, the truth is that Crabs want to make sure someone is interested before making a move.
They prefer to make a semi-emotional connection, which is started by a casual conversation. Their magnetic eyes help them connect with a prospective partner.
Cancer’s generally save their romantic side for lifelong partners.
Signs that might be turned off by Cancer:
Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
Signs that might be turned on by Cancer in the short-term:
Leo, Pisces, Capricorn.
Signs that might be turned on by Cancer in the long-term:
Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

The Lion’s Flirting Style: Regal and Dramatic
As a Leo, your flirting style is predominantly strong, attractive, and egotistic. A Leo’s flirting style can be adventurous and admirable as well.
These people are very entertaining; they can blend in with any crowd. Lions rarely have competition, due to their ability to draw attention to themselves.
Leos don’t mind displaying their hearts for prospective romantic partners. They will attempt to turn a casual encounter into a long-term relationship, which can lead to many issues in the romance department.
Signs that might be turned off by Leo:
Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn.
Signs that might be turned on by Leo in the short-term:
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio.
Signs that might be turned on by Leo in the long-term:
Gemini, Libra, Aries.

The Virgin’s Flirting Style: Shy and Mysterious
As a Virgo, your flirting style is predominantly unselfish, reserved, and mixed. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which means these folks can be communicative.
Their communicative flirting style will be based on body language. Virgos are very intelligent and will choose a partner of like intelligence.
Virgos will not let random people enter their circle, so if you are chosen by a Virgo, you are special, indeed.
Signs that might be turned off by Virgo:
Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.
Signs that might be turned on by Virgo in the short-term:
Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio.
Signs that might be turned on by Virgo in the long-term:
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.

Flirting Style of the Scales: Balanced and Charming
As a Libra, your flirting style is predominantly direct, graceful, and attractive. They always seek balance when searching for a prospective love interest.
They don’t give off mixed signals. The Libra will either be looking for a casual encounter or long-term partner, not both.
Libra people are not usually emotional, but they can be passionate. A Libra person uses their words to capture someone’s attention.
Signs that might be turned off by Libra:
Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.
Signs that might be turned on by Libra in the short-term:
Taurus, Libra, Aries.
Signs that might be turned on by Libra in the long-term:
Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.

Flirting Style of the Scorpion: Intense and Deceptive
As a Scorpio, your flirting style is predominantly sexual, flirty, and powerful. Scorpios are the masters of flirting.
Scorpions can be cunning during the chase; they will do whatever it takes to sting a prospect with their sexual venom.
Romance is usually a battlefield for most Scorpios, but courtship encounters are generally pleasurable. Most people cannot resist a Scorpio’s intensity.
Their presence will captivate a prospective partner without using words or body language.
Signs that might be turned off by Scorpio:
Gemini, Leo, Libra.
Signs that might be turned on by Scorpio in the short-term:
Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries.
Signs that might be turned on by Scorpio in the long-term:
Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn.

Flirting Style of the Archer: Spontaneous and Engaging
As a Sagittarius, your flirting style is predominantly carefree, outrageous, and magnetic. It is common for prospective romantic partners to easily fall in love with the Archer.
However, the Sagittarius remains emotionally detached, which can cause some friction.
Their flirting style is somewhat direct, but this quality could come across as rude. Sagittarius people thrive on adventure and surprises.
Signs that might be turned off by Sagittarius:
Cancer, Virgo, Pisces.
Signs that might be turned on by Sagittarius in the short-term:
Sagittarius, Scorpio.
Signs that might be turned on by Sagittarius in the long-term:
Libra, Gemini, Leo.

Flirting Style of the Goat: Authoritative and Mysterious
As a Capricorn, your flirting style is predominantly direct, causal, and honest. Capricorns are cool, calm and collected.
Capricorns will only flirt with someone who intellectually stimulates them. Capricorns are stern and stable; they don’t waste their time with wishy-washy people.
A Capricorn will use body language as a flirtation mechanism. Capricorn’s are alluring and mysterious, which causes them to attract the wrong people at times.
Signs that might be turned off by Capricorn:
Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.
Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the short-term:
Aries, Cancer, Libra.
Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the long-term:
Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo.

Flirting Style of the Water Bearer: Unique and Electrifying
As an Aquarius, your flirting style is predominantly charismatic, witty, and brainy. Aquarius people are social beings.
They are comfortable flirting with people in social settings. A Water Bearer’s ideal mate will be personable, liberal, and free spirited.
These folks will gravitate toward others who can stimulate their brains. Aquarius people are charismatic; they use body language to catch their romantic interest’s attention.
These people have a natural knack for mysticism as well. They will use their intuition to find a long-term partner.
Aquarius people are not socially awkward, and their unique qualities make them stand out in a crowd. They are very passionate and trustworthy.
Signs that might be turned off by Aquarius:
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo.
Signs that might be turned on by Aquarius in the short-term:
Scorpio, Pisces, Leo.
Signs that might be turned on by Aquarius in the long-term:
Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

Flirting Style of the Fish: Charismatic and Sensitive
As a Pisces, your flirting style is predominantly magnetic, mystical, and sensual. Pisces are in tune with their emotions. These folks are generally shy, but they are noticeable.
When the Pisces finally opens up, their words reverberate like sharks gliding along the shore line. Their presence is powerful and mysterious.
Prospective partners are attracted to a Pisces’ sensuality and intelligence. They are nurturing and insightful.
A Pisces will grasp a prospects imagination and take them on a wild ride. It won’t be difficult to get a Pisces to let their guard down, but they can determine a person’s character after one conversation.
Signs that might by turned off by Pisces:
Leo, Virgo, Gemini.
Signs that might be turned on by Pisces in the short-term:
Aquarius, Taurus, Libra.
Signs that might be turned on by Pisces in the long-term:
Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.
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