Love is tricky. Whenever we find ourselves in a serious relationship, we want to know for sure if it’s the real thing, or if we’re just trying to convince ourselves it’s the real thing.

Sometimes it’s more obvious than others, and sometimes it’s a complete mystery. Not only can it be hard to tell if you’re in love, it can also be hard to tell what kind of love you feel.

As humans, we will experience a variety of loves for a variety of people; you can love your best friend, but that’s obviously going to be different than the love you feel for a significant other.

There is a belief that we only fall in love with three people throughout our lives, and each person plays a very specific role.

Check out these three types of love all humans experience at some point in their lives, and see if you can relate.

1. The Fairy Tale Love

The fairy tale love you experience is exactly what it sounds like. This is the type of love you see in the movies, television shows, and literally in fairy tales.

It’s the love we all aspired to have, and it’s the love we all mistakenly thought it would be easy to find.

If you’ve experienced this type of love before, you know that it shows you how hard it is to pretend to be something you aren’t, or have something you don’t.

Essentially, this is the love you had that looked perfect on paper, and it matched up with what you saw on the big screen, but you weren’t actually into it.

2. The Misconception Love

This is the type of love you found when you least expected it. It catches you off guard and completely demolishes any preconceived notions you had about love, relationships, or the people you can ultimately be with.

Unlike the fairy tale love, this love looks terrible on paper, which doesn’t make sense to you at all.

This love also happened easily for something so unexpected, and you had no say in it at all.

The connection you feel to the other person is incredibly difficult to explain, but all you know is that this person truly understands you and loves you for who you are.

The acceptance this person has for you shakes you, and it can make you feel uneasy at times, but you know it’s the real deal.

3. The Toxic Love

This is the hardest relationship you’ll ever go through, and for good reason. This type of love tends to teach people more about themselves than they would like to know, and it can be incredibly transformative.

Manipulation, drama, and lies are the toxic love’s core, and they keep you hooked to the other person much longer than you should be.

Although you know the relationship is bad for you both, you stay in it looking for the next great experience.

You might find some, but they will be lost in a sea of terrible experiences that you won’t soon forget. The key to identifying this type of love is that trying to make things work will be more important than whether or not it should.

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