Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. Taurus is one of the most consistent and dependable signs in the zodiac. They are determined and will stick by your side for better or worse, no matter how rough life gets. They aren’t easily persuaded or distracted,...
Almost everyone has heard the term “gluten-free” in this day and age. But how does one know when they have a real sensitivity to gluten? We’re lucky enough to live in an era where many restaurants and institutions are happy to...
A friend of mine called me not too long ago with a strange question. “I don’t really believe in this kinda stuff,” he said. “But I’ve been seeing the same repeating numbers every time I look at my clock.” “What do...
When you hear the words “emotionally neglected”, you probably don’t picture a person who is particularly strong. You might think of someone who is a victim, someone who is vulnerable or has been taken advantage of, or even a helpless...
Aries, March 21 – April 19 You’re a natural born adventurer. You never shy away from taking a risk or leap of faith, but this doesn’t always serve you as well as you might hope. Some time in nature would do...
Virgos can be some of the most wonderful companions and comrades in life. They are sociable, witty and trustworthy buds that will make you feel lucky to have them as a friend. Below are 5 things you should definitely...
Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. Like Newton’s law,  ‘every action must have a reaction, when we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people...
When it comes to emotional expression, there are two types of people out there. There are those who live their lives like open books, wearing their heart on their sleeve. They believe in open expression of all the feelings that...
Zen is a philosophy or school of thought based in buddhist teachings that focuses almost entirely on meditation and intuition. This philosophy is all about mindfulness and self awareness in every moment. When you think about it, sarcasm is all...
Empaths are the most energy sensitive people on earth. They are unique, intuitive, and often influenced by the actions of others. Many have learned over the years of their lives how to protect and defend themselves from the energy fields...